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Home / Products / Motors / Rotary Hybrid Stepper / PJE86T-112J14


Get this stepper motor moving with a Nippon Pulse driver. Our 2-phase stepper motor drivers are single-axis drivers that come in constant voltage or constant current varieties with multiple excitation modes. With advanced features like automatic current reducers and opto-isolated inputs, our drivers represent the cutting edge of stepper motor electronics.

Availability and Pricing

Contact our applications engineers for availability, lead time and pricing information for this product.


Technical specifications

Rated voltages3.12 VAC
Weight3600 g
Rohs compliantYes
Nema size34
Step angle1.8 deg. / step
Type of windingBipolar
Motor frame size86 mm
Holding torque8200 mN•m
Steps per revolution200
Number of phases2
Step angle tolerance±0.09° (Max) %
Rated voltage3.12 V
Rated current6 A/phase
Resistance0.52 ohm/phase
Inductance4.8 mH/phase
Motor length112 mm
Operating temperature range0 ~ +50 deg. C

System drawing

PJE86T-112J14 system drawing

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